CHIII汉诺威中国工业智造指数100强是由崔氏指数Cui Value Index研究院基于未来工业价值标准对中国参展汉诺威工业展企业进行评价评级而发布的榜单,充分发挥汉诺威工业展作为“世界工业的风向标”功能,站在世界创新前沿、发现中国隐形冠军。
1996年12月18日,高云峰创办深圳市大族实业有限公司,申请注册han`s商标,公司产品冠名han`s laser。依据高云峰的意愿,HAN'S是汉族的意思,汉族是世界上人口最多的民族,是中华民族的代表;LASER是激光,寓意于汉族的激光就是中国的激光;HAN 与 S 之间的红五星代表我们的五星情结,每当看到了五星就想到了中国,更加验证了这是一个中国自己的企业。而另一寓意更为具体,高云峰之“大族”,就是未来形成一个庞大的族系,
位于Dorfstrasse 40 6390 Engelberg的大族激光欧洲研发运营中心,通过地图可以明显发现这是一景区,周边被酒店环绕并且配有游客信息中心Engelberg-Titlis (英格堡铁力士)Tourismus AG,英格堡由于背靠铁力士山,英格堡-铁力士山的滑雪场也成为瑞士十大冬季滑雪场之一。
未来工业发展论坛FutureIndustrial Development Forum之“未来工业发展指数Future Industrial Development Index”定义,未来工业以创新智造为产品流程,酒店与研发运营中心之间如何就不能兼容?产品中心如同开放式厨房,为什么不能给客户或游客参观?“未来产品”是以创意审美、产品体验以及个性化定制为业务流程,到底是大族激光尚未进入“未来工业”智造阶段,还是另有难言之隐?单纯媒体质问,大族激光至少可以以此“专业”回应媒体,岂不是既能给媒体上一堂“未来工业”课,同时也可某种意义上“反败为胜”?
Introduction to CHIII
I. Establishment and Significance of CHIII
Cui Hannover IndustrialIntelligence Index (CHIII), developed and prepared by Cui Value Index®Information Technology Research Institute, the founder of "Quantum IndexTheory" (put forward the core point of view “information is data”), is anapplied research project for "futurity industry". By takingexhibitors attending HANNOVER MESSE as the representative basic samples in theinnovative intelligence field, this Institute aims to establish the mostcutting-edge innovative intelligence resource database, quantize the innovationvalue and its applications to reflect the unique advantages and authoritativeinfluence of HANNOVER MESSE serving as the pool of global industrial innovationresources, and fully play the role of value guidance and vane in the innovativeintelligence field.
II. Preparation History of CHCIII
As a well-known brand in the field of evaluation,rating, investment guidance and risk management, Cui Value Index®and Cui China Value Index (CCVI), based on the unique influence of HANNOVERMESSE serving as "vane of world industry" and pioneer of"Industry 4.0" (the initiative proposed by German government in April2013 on HANNOVER MESSE), by taking nearly 10,000 Chinese exhibitors attendingHANNOVER MESSE from 2013 (the year that "Industry 4.0" Initiative wasproposed) to 2019 as data samples, have selected 1,000 representativeenterprises with relatively complete data and development trend of "futurityindustry" and prepared Cui Hannover China Industrial Intelligence Index(CHCIII) via five index systems of advancement of innovative technology,application of innovative technology, value of industry development,competition of product intelligently manufacturing and innovation oforganizational management.
III. Current Research Findings and Influence
Based on"Futurity industry" assessment model, CHCIII has selected 100enterprises from the above-mentioned 1,000 samples to prepare "TOP 100CHCIII", "TOP 500 CHCIII" and other kinds of indexes. On May 14,28 of 2019, CHIII issued news, including "Potentials of Futurity IndustryProposed by China from CHIII (", (" on China Enterprise NEWS with greatinfluence in China's economy and enterprises (held by China Enterprise Confederation(CEC), the only one organization joining in International Organization ofEmployers (IOE) on behalf of China, consisting of 564,000 member enterprises,36 national enterprise groups, 43 provincial enterprise associations and 260local enterprise associations from industry cities).
IV. Application Expansion and Future Goals
With CHIII as the application foundation of topics,Cui Value Index® has further expanded the research findings to prepare FutureIndustrial Development Index (FIDI)with China, US, German and Japan as thedevelopment positioning and benchmark framework of "futurityindustry"; by selecting 10 cities (total 40 cities) with the potential andenergy of "futurity industry" from each country, and 10 enterprises(total 400 enterprises) from each above-mentioned city as the index datasamples, it has prepared TOP 100 and TOP 500 FIDI, and issued White Book ofWorld Futurity Industry Development, which serves as the framework document forthe futurity industry development.
As a platform for issuing CHIII and FIDI findings,Future Industrial Development Forum aims to be the leading high-end forum forthe world industry development and cutting-edge innovative think tank; focusingon preparing, developing, issuing and discussing "Future Industrial DevelopmentIndex", Future Industrial Development Forum pools the most cutting-edgethinkers, scientists on futurity industry and representative regions andenterprises and carries out special "brainstorming" seminars based onfuturity and reality in cities or regions of German, US, China and Japan at anregular or irregular interval.